Voice Reel Specialists
The adverts we use are written and sourced for you and are never used more than once. Casting directors and agents don't want to hear the same old scripts time and time again. This way you know that your Silver~Tongued Voice Reel will be as individual as you are. Taking into consideration:
Type of voice:
Your age:
So the key points when choosing your adverts are; keep within your capabilities, show off your talent, be it straight read or characters and try to show variety in the subject matter, this way your finished voice reel will be both entertaining and interesting to listen to.
Commercials / Documentaries / Gaming / Continuity etc., (we supply the commercials etc.,)
The readings are your choice, each about 1 x minute long, and can be anything! A reading from a novel, poetry, prose a monologue etc., If you are stuck, there are many audition books available with monologues by various authors/playwrights in them. Again use your voice to its full advantage, taking note of your type of voice, age, male/female, accents and characters. Again, try to show variety!
With regards to accents...these days casting directors tend to go for the real thing. If you have an authentic accent, use it! If you can do an accent extremely well then include it.
Readings can also include characters for animation. A children's book or script which include lots of little characters interacting with each other will show what you are capable of and is a lot of fun to listen to.
In the case of the readings...Preparation is Everything!
Monologues and Narration (you supply these scripts, they should be rehearsed ready to record)
Choosing Scripts
What sort of product would use a male voice? What sort of product would use a female voice? Remember that advertisements, in many ways, plays on stereotypes so don't be afraid to use what you've got!
There are many types of voices. From the rich, smooth, velvety voice to the high octane kids TV voice, with many variations in between.
How old do you sound? The emphasis being on "sound". Your actual age is unimportant but the "age" of your voice is. Choose a product that is relevant to your "voice age".
Try to show a variety of styles: Straight Read, Comedy, Hard Sell, Soft Sell etc.,


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